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Ask These Questions Before Deciding Between Immediate And Delayed Dental Implant Loading

Posted on 9/5/2022 by Evan
Ask These Questions Before Deciding Between Immediate And Delayed Dental Implant LoadingYou may be asking if immediate and delayed dental implant placements offer the same benefits or if there are differences. If you need dental implants and are confused about choosing between immediate and delayed dental implants, it is crucial to talk to a prosthodontist or dentist first. Not all cases of tooth replacement can be resolved with immediate dental implants. Asking these questions can help you make an informed decision.

What is the level of your oral hygiene?

Poor oral hygiene doesn't completely disqualify you for implant therapy, but if you have poor oral hygiene, you may not be advised to get immediate implant loading. The reason is that it can affect bone quality, periodontal health, and osseointegration.

What is the wear and occlusion pattern of your teeth?

To attain successful osseointegration of the dental implants, it is important to check on the force that the restorations have to endure after loading. Rigid splinting stabilization is essential for the success of immediately loaded implants. In case there is a loss of splinting, then it is likely that implants will fail. This happens due to uncontrolled masticatory forces. Therefore, it is imperative that a prosthodontist assesses your occlusion as well as wear patterns before devising a treatment plan. Very high masticatory forces or parafunctional habits mean that immediate loading of implants has to be avoided since it can disrupt the healing as well as the osseointegration process.

What amount of bone grafting is needed?

Once the right position for an implant is decided, a dentist has to examine the site based on the surgical requirements. The dentist has to see if bone or soft tissue augmentation is required. If the movement of an implant arises beyond a particular threshold, the mechanical stability and osseointegration are seriously impacted due to the disruption of the surrounding vascular tissues and bone. Talk to our prosthodontist to determine if you should wait or get implants loaded immediately.

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St Louis Prosthodontics - Joseph Shea DDS, MS, 3701 S Lindbergh Blvd Suite 201, St. Louis, MO 63127 / 314-937-5487 / / 10/17/2024 / Key Phrases: Dental Implants St. Louis /