Discomfort is normal especially when we are having new experiences. Getting yourself a new set of teeth is not an exception. As much as dentures help in maintaining our initial smile and confidence as before tooth loss, they do feel and act differently than the natural teeth you were used to. Here are some ways you can use to get used to prosthetics.
Learning process
The most important thing is giving your dentures the same attention as your initial natural teeth. This can be done by learning how to keep your dentures in place since they may irritate and rub on the gums. Using proper denture fixative products is advised. However, after all that, you will still have to learn how to smile, eat, speak, and drink while wearing dentures.
Expect discomfort
Dental professionals are very likely to tell you that adjusting to new dentures takes on average 30 days. Discomfort is something you should expect. The reason is your gums are very sensitive. Therefore, it takes some getting used to when it comes to contact with the base of your artificial teeth during eating or normally.
Eat soft foods
You might feel like eating in private might help the recovery process before you go to public places. Yes, learning how to talk and how to eat without your dentures popping out of place is important. It is therefore advisable to start with soft foods like mashed potatoes and pudding. This will get you used to moving your mouth with your new teeth in place. Soft food will not put the same pressure on the healing gums so this should help in limiting the discomfort. Finally, dentures are very normal so you should feel very confident with them on. In case of any inquiries about prosthodontic teeth, you can contact our team of skilled doctors now.
About | Dental Implants St. Louis | St. Louis Prosthodontist At St. Louis Prosthodontics, we want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles. Click here to learn about us and how we can help! St Louis Prosthodontic, 3701 S Lindbergh Blvd Suite 201, St. Louis, MO 63127 ^ 314-937-5487 ^ stlouisprosthodontics.com ^ 3/6/2025 ^ Tags: Dental Implants St. Louis ^