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Why is restoring lost teeth crucial for long term health

Posted on 1/15/2024 by Weo Admin
Image of a smiling woman at St. Louis Prosthodontics. Not replacing a lost tooth might not seem like anything big to most patients who lose their teeth. This is because it is believed that there are a few repercussions to living with a missing tooth. Well, I am here to tell you this, having a tooth out is not fun. Most patients try to avoid this. When this happens, however, you are supposed to consider replacing it. This is because tooth loss comes with a couple of disadvantages and issues. Every tooth in your mouth plays a vital role. Regardless of the difference in the roles your teeth play, they form a complete system and, in this way, help in strengthening your oral health. If you have a different thought to replacing it, you might want to reconsider. Here are some reasons you need to do this.

Proper speech and eating requires a full set

The consequence of not replacing a lost tooth might extend beyond aesthetic concerns. Your ability to chew and the articulation of consonants might be compromised. A missing tooth makes it difficult to chew and break down food, which might eventually lead to digestion issues and malnutrition in severe cases.

Shifting of teeth

Adjacent teeth might shift if the missing tooth is not replaced. Teeth work together to ensure a beautiful smile. In the case of a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth might shift towards the gap left behind. This can result in uneven distribution of force while chewing, bite issues, and misalignment of teeth, destroying the aesthetics.


If you think losing a tooth is only daunting to your aesthetics, try speaking in front of people without an incisor. This could be one of the toughest speeches you might deliver, not only because of misspelled words but also due to the effect the missing tooth might have on your self-esteem. It is very natural to feel self-conscious when smiling with a noticeable gap in your dental arch.

Visit us

Not forgetting to mention that tooth loss can lead to loss of the jawbone due to less stimulation from chewing forces, we are here to give you solutions. Not just one solution, but several options ranging from dental implants and dentures. If the above consequences specifically hit you, visit us at our offices.
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St Louis Prosthodontics - Joseph Shea DDS, MS, 3701 S Lindbergh Blvd Suite 201, St. Louis, MO 63127 / 314-937-5487 / / 10/11/2024 / Page Terms:Dental Implants St. Louis /