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All On 4 Treatment Concept
St. Louis, MO

Diagram of All-On-4 Treatment Concept.There are always improvements in any field and the field of dentistry is one of those areas that we are seeing improvements in dental technology and procedures. We now have state-of-the-art procedures in place to add artificial teeth to your mouth in order to help patients with any missing teeth they are struggling with. One of those procedures is known as the All-on-4 treatment concept. Although it has been around for quite a while, it is considered relatively new.

The All-on-4 treatment has become a go-to procedure in the realm of restorative dentistry. Why not come to our office to find out more about it at St. Louis Prosthodontics. We talk about the options and find out if the All-on-4 solution is the right one for you.

All-on-4® Treatment Concept Description

It only takes four hours to complete the tooth extraction, bacterial cleanse and implant placement and can be done in a single office visit. Another benefit to this procedure is the fact it requires no other surgeries to prepare the oral cavity prior to implant placement. With traditional implants, bone grafts are typically necessary to stabilize the jawbone structure. Grafts are not needed with the All-on-4 surgical procedure, it is much less expensive.

All-on-4 Treatment Solution

For those people struggling with losing their teeth or who have already lost a significant amount of their teeth whether, through neglect, trauma, or extraction, the All-on-4 surgical treatment option can not only improve their oral health but their outward appearance as well. When patients lose teeth, their cheeks and lips lose the supportive structure which makes them sag inward, changing the way they look.

Even if a patient has been told they were not a good candidate for traditional implants, this procedure can help them achieve that goal. Restoring lost jaw functionality and improving their quality of life, the All-on-4 solution does this all with less expense and less hassle.

Why not come see us today at St. Louis Prosthodontics where we can go over the details of this revolutionary procedure. Restorative in nature, this Nobel Biocare procedure can provide you with a new smile and a permanent artificial tooth solution with less time and less expense. With a single appointment, all of those things can be achieved.

Call us today at 314-937-5487 to discuss it and set up your initial appointment. We can assess your oral health needs and move forward with the next step in your all-on-4 treatment surgery.
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All on 4 • St. Louis, MO • St. Louis Prosthodontics
We now have a state-of-the-art all on 4 procedure in place to add artificial teeth to your mouth, in order to help patients with any missing teeth they are struggling with.
St Louis Prosthodontics - Joseph Shea DDS, MS, 3701 S Lindbergh Blvd Suite 201, St. Louis, MO 63127 ~ 314-937-5487 ~ ~ 10/17/2024 ~ Key Phrases: Dental Implants St. Louis ~