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Who is a Candidate?
St. Louis, MO

Diagram of a single dental implant. One question that St. Louis Prosthodontics gets asked all of the time is who is a candidate for dental implants? Read on to learn the answer!

Qualities of the Right Candidate

The first thing to know about the qualities of the right candidate for dental implants is that you may not possess them right now — and that is okay! One of the great things about dental implants is that for many patients, improving their eligibility can be very easy. So, what does the ideal candidate look like? They will have excellent oral hygiene, healthy bone, and the ability to commit to the schedule for receiving your implants, which will require you to visit us multiple times over the course of several months. You may or may not even be missing teeth yet. Many of our patients only have their unhealthy teeth extracted immediately prior to having their implants placed.


There are a few things that can disqualify you from getting implants, but like we said, they can often be fixed. A thin or less dense jawbone will likely require bone grafting so that the implants can be accommodated. You cannot currently have periodontal disease, as the presence of bacteria makes the implantation process unsafe. You also cannot chew tobacco or smoke.

Other Options

Even if you are disqualified, there are other options — and some of them may even be implants! The All-on-4 treatment concept and mini dental implants can both be options for patients unable to receive traditional implants. Besides implants, there are also reliable options that have helped millions of Americans over the years. Dental bridges can replace one or more missing teeth with only a minimal impact on the rest of your mouth. Dentures are ideal for patients that need a significant number of teeth restored. Modern dentures are far more comfortable and durable than even dentures from just a few years ago. Regardless of your restoration needs, prosthodontists can help you find the perfect pick for your smile.

Have You Been Told That You Are Not a Candidate?

It is not uncommon for patients to tell us that they have already been told that implants are not a viable option for them. In some cases, this is true, but in other cases they may actually be eligible. This is why we always urge you to get a second opinion. Dental implants are the best way to restore lost or missing teeth, so they should always be a priority. If you lack the bone density, a common issue among patients who have been missing teeth for some time, then there are a variety of emerging bone regeneration techniques that can build the jawbone back up. Periodontal disease can also be aggressively treated.

Are You a Candidate?

Even if you have been told elsewhere that you are not a candidate for dental implants, at St. Louis Prosthodontics you may be! To schedule your consultation and find out if you can receive the best in prosthetic teeth, call 314-937-5487 today!
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Dental Implant Candidate • St. Louis, MO • St. Louis Prosthodontics
One question that gets asked all of the time is who is a candidate for dental implants? Read on to learn the answer! If you have questions, we're here to help!
St Louis Prosthodontics - Joseph Shea DDS, MS, 3701 S Lindbergh Blvd Suite 201, St. Louis, MO 63127 / 314-937-5487 / / 10/17/2024 / Page Phrases: Dental Implants St. Louis /